Look, Up In The Sky It's A Bird! It's A Plane! No, It's A Burd!

Here's a drawing done for the San Jose Mercury News Sunday business section. The story, by Heather Somerville, can be found here.

Open in new window for SUPER-HUGE image!

Steve Burd, the CEO of Safeway will be retiring soon, and the article explores his legacy. Was he super-heroic, or was he as helpful as a hole in a bag?

Concept, design and layout by Daymond Gascon and Chuck Todd; I got to do the fun and easy part!

On this occasion, I drew a rough in Photoshop and moved to Manga Studio 5 for most of the drawing and inking. I was going to color in MS5 but I haven't worked with it on deadline before, so I fled back to the comfort of Photoshop when I got lost amongst the unfamiliar quick-keys and mysterious brush controls!

Here's about how it will look if you find a newspaper out in the wild, except it's missing the fold in the middle.

The End

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