Head Shots

Head doodles. How is it done? Just play along with me...

First! Draw a circle or an oval or a square, then make an eye or a mouth or a triangle for the nose, then let the features flow from the tip of the pencil and see what you get. Maybe look at a picture to get an idea for hair, or find a nose that doesn't look like the noses you usually draw. The characters stack up and rarely do two look the same.

You can reference the work of other cartoonists, too; maybe there are head shapes you haven't happened to have doodled yet. Copy a head shape, but put the eyes a bit higher, make the nose bigger, turn that smile into a frown.

My heads here are fairly restrained, they do not venture into the realm of the more distorted cartoony caricatures, but I have recently not been so daring.

I might try to expand my idle-doodle-time to include full figures. That takes a bit more concentration but it's a lot of fun, too.

24 cartoony head doodles.

I suppose could make videos of these drawings with the screen capture feature in ClipStudio. I've done that before but I wasn't amused by the effort of wrangling iMovie to make it presentable. It wasn't hard after all few tries but I burnt out on it while learning how to do it. I should go back and take another shot at it.

There. A project for my next bout of insomnia!

The end.

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