Junky Little Drawing

I'm in the midst of a crazy, every-day-is-a-long-day kind of week. I haven't had much energy left over after the commute grind. But over the past few weeks, in short bursts, I have been tweaking and updating my website.  Click here to the see the new set-up. It's still in flux and the "PORTFOLIO" section isn't put together yet, but it's an all-new look and a change of online strategy for me. Please drop a line or a comment with a critique if you hate/like it.

My cat-pal, Maggie. The back of her head. My feet.
Fill-in art

I did this little scribble on the iPad a week or two ago. I used a freebie app called "draw." It's very basic and it's not very sensitive or accurate to the stroke of the pen -- finger, whatever -- but I like it's simplicity. You get 8 color pencils to use and an eraser and... well, that's about it. You can save your drawing to your photo album, but when you start on the next drawing, the first one is gone. Cool!

I'd like to try to do something a little nicer with it, but so far this is it. Maggie was a good sport and didn't move much as I rested the ipad against her back.

Just think of it as a digital sticky-note doodle and maybe it won't seem too crummy.


  1. Nice 'filler' , diggin' the new banner too ;-)

  2. Oh, that old thing? I found that in a dusty closet on the hard drive and tacked it up there. Just trying to freshen up the old blog with old art. That doesn't sound right, does it? Awful colorful, tho.
