
My Spider-Man-fan nephew, Gus, sent me a very nice drawing of our friendly-neighborhood you-know-who. There he is, swinging along beneath the moon, beneath the clouds.
...His drawing was done on typing paper in pencil, colored pencil and marker (I think.) It was folded up rather vigorously and mailed via U.S. Postal Service-- this accounts for the unique and interesting wear of this piece.

...I responded with this pencil, pen and watercolor attempt, done on yellowish card-stock paper because I have a lot of it. I didn't have the energy or the discipline to include a background.

...When nephew-Gus' envelope arrived, he had included a note that read, "Please send back!" This let me know that it was a work of which he was particularly proud. I placed his drawing and mine in a large flat envelope and mailed them in tandem. He, perhaps will tack them to his wall; I will tack them here.

...I have exchanged Spider-Mans with him before, in 2005. In the scan above, I have dropped my 2005 drawing in between his two earlier efforts. A quick comparison of our scribbles will show that he has improved; I have not.
...I'm afraid that he is practicing harder than I am.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Never too much spider-man. Looks like he's going to give you a run for you money in about 7 years.
