Disney Pixar Illo

I stumbled across this today. It's a spot illustration from a few years ago. It was done it a RUSH!

The Pixar-meets-Disney news broke and I had just a couple of hours before deadline. I do remember I felt some stress because I hadn't drawn either of these characters before and I didn't have time to practice.

Well, I'm sure I did a Mickey or two when I was a tyke, but I hadn't drawn him in my adult life.

Zooming in on the pdf file, I can see that I drew it in pencil first, scanned it, then colored it. I think this was one of the last drawings I did for work on paper. I thought I'd stopped doing that by 2006. Wrong again.

It's kind of neat to see it. Totally forgot about it.

The End.


  1. wow, this looked really done in a rush! i can see that on Mr. Incredible's underwear! hahahaha! but credits on you for a 2-hour work. nice one JD! :)

  2. Mr. I's underwear is always on display, I figure.
