A Comics Page

This post is a partial repeat. I posted a version of the top panel last December. But it wasn't a panel then, it was just a mindless doodle.

In February, I drew a head-portrait of the lady because I wondered what that character looked like. As I drew her I kept getting this feeling that a narrative was about to pop up through the soil. The first drawing wanted to grow.

I created a larger page and I put the two drawings together. Again, I thought a story was about to happen, so I gave her a body. But I got stuck. Months passed.

S'okay, but what are they saying?

This morning I was urged by... by what, I don't know, but I drew the close-up of the terrier. Inspired, I re-worked everything to a greater or lesser degree. I wrote captions and some dialogue and a story started to take shape.

Well, not a whole story. Just a fragment. I have notes for a few more pages, and I started roughing out one of them. I'm not sure, but something may finally happen here, if I can find the time.

 The End


  1. Lookin' good , reminds me of old Heavy Metal's from the late 80's early 90's ;-)

  2. BLESS YOU! That's exactly where I was I was aiming. Thanks! Now I think my engine's are revving on this again. Stand back, I'm gonna need elbow room. Back to the drawing board (pen tablet!)
