Cover of an Old Journal, Personal Artifact of Great Significance

I found this thing, moments ago, in an old portfolio I haven't opened in a decade or so. This is about 17 or 18 years old.

It is a colored pencil and acrylic effort, on a piece of bristol board paper. I took a short stack of 11x17 paper, folded it in half and made a journal out of it.

True to form – I have trouble keeping a regular sketchbook – I painted the cover, did one drawing on the second page and then never used it again.

BUT! You know the coolest thing about this unfinished sketchbook? 

Page three, down in the right hand corner, has but one graffito, and it's the spot where my wife wrote down her phone number the first time I asked her out.


The End


  1. I actually remember this one. Too cool.

  2. It's weird finding old stuff and then realizing how old it is. That's happening a lot lately. It's worse when I find something I have no recollection of. Might stop looking through old folders and boxes.
