Facebook Bootcamp

The distinguished Charles Apple wrote a very kind post over on his blog that includes my latest illustrative effort for The SJ Merc, Oak Trib, CCTimes and all those other SF Bay Area papers I work for.

I intended to write a longer post focusing on the drawing process – roughs, refinement, coloring, all that – but I haven't had the time. And the forecast for today and tomorrow is busy, busy, busy. I may not get to it for weeks!

So, rather than let the fizz fade entirely before posting the picture, I offer it now with the half-hearted promise of a mildly interesting and chatty update featuring a slew of scribbly, unfinished, unrefined drawings. Yeah! Can hardly wait!

Props Of Unusual Size to Mike Swift for the story and to Alex Fong for art direction, critical input and making sense of it all. As always, the people I work with make me feel like I get to do the easy part.

To be continued . . . ?

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